The approach known as “Bioenergetic Landscapes” comes from recent studies in the field of bio-electromagnetism. It allows us to measure the biological influence that the weak energy fields emitted by various plant species can have on the functioning of our organs and systems.

With precise measurements in the field of microwaves it can be verified that the emissions of trees placed under certain magnetic conditions are able to change favourably, for some metres, the electromagnetic environment around them. This positively affects the psycho-physical stress of the organism and energetically nourishes the organs of the human body, thus increasing the overall sense of well-being.

The empirical observation, conducted since ancient times in practically every culture of the world, that some places generate more favourable conditions for well-being and human health than others, finds today a rational explanation through this investigation technique. Its effectiveness, in turn, is confirmed by advanced measurement techniques with bioresonance and bioelectrography instruments.

Two special trees

Two trees, the “MAGIC BEECH” (“Faggio Magico”) and “THE BIG EUROPEAN SPRUCE” (“Il Grande Abete Rosso”), have been identified as examples of trees capable of extending a beneficial energetic action into their surrounding space, positively modifying the electromagnetic quality of the area and favourably influencing various organs of the human body. Stopping at these trees allows you to draw on their supporting energy while also encouraging a different empathetic interaction with nature, perhaps through the practice of tree hugging.

Tree hugging

This therapy is still little known in Italy, while, for example, in Australia there are special signs within the parks that invite visitors to hug trees and in Northern European countries there is a culture based on the embrace of trees called “tree hugging”.

Hugging a tree means entering into a new connection with nature, establishing an interaction between the tree’s vital energy and your own.

Can it be a bit embarrassing? But no, trees will give us the time to make ourselves comfortable. For example, we can start by sitting under the tree with our back leaned against the trunk, closing our eyes and taking long and deep breaths. In this way we will start to relax and get in tune with the forest. When we feel ready, we can bring our hands to the bark, observing it well, smelling it, getting to know it, and then we finally hug it!

Hugging a tree is a truly unique experience, surely it cannot be miraculous, but if you are able to put yourself in the right spiritual condition you can experience a synchrony of energy that will leave a lasting impression… and it costs nothing to try.

Along the paths of Parco del Respiro some trees more suitable than others are reported. These trees have a great bioenergetic potential and they consist of some spruce and a beech.

Along the paths of the Forest Therapy Park some measurements were carried out using the technique of Bioenergetic Landscapes, which studies the effects and the applications of bio-electromagnetic fields emitted by plants and their interaction with the human organism.

Two trees have been identified, considered by these studies as particularly beneficial: the “MAGIC BEECH” (“Faggio Magico”) and “THE BIG EUROPEAN SPRUCE” (“Il Grande Abete Rosso”), whose position with respect to the natural electromagnetism allows them to interact in a specific and particularly intense way with the surrounding environment.

In this way every plant can amplify and spread up to about 15 metres and over a large area, called “bioenergetic area”, its beneficial bioelectromagnetic influences.

For each analysed plant, the intensity and quality of its biological interaction were extremely high on all the organs and examined functions (minimum recorded value: 1+, “very good”). On some organs in particular, even greater intensities were detected (from 0.5+, “great”, up to 0.1+, “excellent”, corresponding to the maximum measurable value), capable of considering this electromagnetic influence of extreme biological quality.

From the bioenergetic point of view, these results can be considered as indicative of a “therapeutic” potential of the bio-electromagnetic fields emitted by these plants. They nourish and sustain the specific biological function of the examined organ with such an intensity that they also counteract the potential disturbing effects of the artificial electromagnetic fields, which usually pervade our biosphere, making the bioenergetic areas small oasis of electromagnetic refreshment and regeneration for the body.

It should be noted that outside these areas, especially within build spaces without tree vegetation, the electromagnetic influence of the environment is usually disturbing and aggressive, allowing with difficulty and with a lot of energy expenditure a good state of health and biological homeostasis.

To get the best biological effects, we suggest you to stop and relax in the bioenergetic areas for at least ten minutes, and in any case as long as possible.

Large intestine, mucous membranes, prostate, ovaries, bones, eyes, hair, skin, lymphatic system, immune system, liver, uterus, gallbladder, nervous system, stomach, pancreas, metabolism, cardiovascular system, kidneys, small intestine and duodenum, bladder, adrenal glands, hypothalamus, thyroid, ear, pituitary gland, thymus, carcinoma (contrasting body function), rheumatism (contrasting body function).

Listed below are plants with bioenergetic properties and organs or biological functions fed with maximum beneficial intensity (0.5+, great; 0.1+, excellent, maximum measurable value). For all the other organs the measured intensity value is 1+ (very good) and it is not reported.

“W” indicates the point of origin of the beneficial electromagnetic flux, with the propagation direction of the beneficial area from West to East.
“NW” indicates a development of the area from Northwest to Southeast.

BEECH on W and NW (two areas of influence)
0.1+ lever, metabolism, pancreas, kidneys, pituitary gland
0.5+ bones, hypothalamus

0.1+ immune system, nervous system, rheumatism
0.5+ duodenum, small intestine

Since many years numerous scientific outcomes have been underlying the great beneficial effect of airborne negatively charged ions on the state of health of human beings, but the lack of knowledge in the application field leads to neglect the aspect of ionisation of the environment for healing purposes or for the improvement of the psychophysical well-being of people. If we consider that, on average, we breathe about 22,000 times throughout the day, we can easily imagine how important the air quality of the environments we normally attend is for our health.

International researchers have proven that an excess of positively charged ions, in both indoor and outdoor environments, leads to irritability, depression, migraine, a sense of excessive tiredness, sleep disorders, and a decrease in mental performances.

Conversely, environments whose atmosphere is characterised by the abundance of negative ions bring clear benefits to the body, with an action both on the nervous system, for example by reducing the amount of serotonin in circulation, and on the improvement of immune system, and especially the activity of NK lymphocytes. In outdoor areas, certain microclimatic, environmental and vegetation conditions can recreate a high amount of negative ions in the air. This will generate natural environments that deserve to be valued and used consciously for these purposes.

Woods are usually places full of a beneficial atmosphere charged with negative ions, which are very difficult to find in urban areas or indoor environments. Along some stretches of the brook and near the small waterfall almost halfway through the return path of “Acqua e Faggi”, we can find environmental conditions suitable for the presence of a greater natural ionisation.